Home/Campcon 2008/Photos by Gore
Photos taken by Gore
Test bat
1541 visits
Arriving to Campcon, plenty of mudders in the background...
2235 visits
Moonraven & Banba
2153 visits
A happy gang of Mudders - clearly intoxication started early this year!
2123 visits
Tedra, Malcom, Gothicliger
2081 visits
Shinarae runs through the trivia rules. Team Canada is doping in the background.
2166 visits
And here goes the trivia...
2237 visits
Epic monster (fur sold separately).
2016 visits
Beware of the watchdogs!
2057 visits
High Waters!
1921 visits
Beware: High Waters!
1829 visits
No shit??
1942 visits
Your friendly neighbourhood eatery...
1839 visits
It's either a dog or something which lives in the Arelium sewers...
1835 visits
Cardgames on a sunny afternoon
1804 visits
Moonraven looks at you sneakily.
2042 visits
Chickity striking a pose!
2094 visits
Tyger, ?, Garo^H^H Treynon (hosing), Tedra, Beanos and Mikaiyla
1964 visits
Tackle - rather hung over...
1904 visits
Hackop, Nina, Blayke, Aruthra, Iktomi and Melemkor gathering around Brillo and Dreamr.
1918 visits
1712 visits
1661 visits
Non-mudder Mike protects Banba's bathing privacy
1684 visits
Banba survived his encounter with the muddy water.
1850 visits
Want to swim?
1853 visits
Tents galore!
1881 visits
The water in the lake has never been this fresh!
1957 visits
Entropya! Saturday night Bardic task.
2126 visits