Gothicliger loses the wig!
1632 visits
.....Not sure who was aiming this one.
1571 visits
Gothicliger performs again!
1510 visits
Entropy steals the wig!
1507 visits
Nina blocking the shot!
1475 visits
Entropy....nice hair!
1465 visits
Gothicliger...bald and beautiful.
1494 visits
Entropy, Gore and Juggelo on the stage.
1391 visits
Gothicliger, Hackop, and Tedra learn to relax.
1462 visits
The annual night walk/stumble/fight-with-gravity.
1505 visits
Everyone remains vertical during the night walk.
1426 visits
Juggelo goes to bed early!
1559 visits
The drive out: this was supposed to be corn.
1621 visits
This was supposed to be corn, but the river washed away everything.
1605 visits
Thankfully, the road was built up higher than the fields.
1547 visits
Many roads were closed when mudders were trying to get out of Indiana.
1649 visits
Almost all roads out of Clay City were closed due to high water or missing bridges.
1677 visits
Clay County received a record amount of rainfall in one day: 10.5 inches!
2056 visits